Integrable systems and automorphic forms

May 13-16, 2024

Lille (France)

Laboratoire Paul Painlevé

Organizers: Valery Gritsenko, Dimitri Markushevich

Speakers: Indranil Biswas, Irina Bobrova, Gaia Comaschi, Duong Dinh, Justine Fasquel, Evgeny Ferapontov, Valery Gritsenko, Stefan Hohenegger, Dan Israël, Anne Moreau, Werner Nahm, Alexandre Odesski, Casper Oelen, Stanislav Opanasenko, Volodya Roubtsov, Alessandra Sarti, Ronan Terpereau


This workshop is the third in the series of previous conferences on similar topics:

Algebraic geometry, automorphic forms and integrable models, Lille, May 15-19, 2023

Integrable systems and automorphic forms, Lille, February 19-22, 2019