The project Symmetries and moduli spaces in algebraic geometry and physics (SMAGP) is an interdisciplinary research project between algebraic geometry, theory of automorphic forms and theoretical physics. The main goal of the project is the description of geometric, algebraic and arithmetic properties of moduli spaces of geometric or physical objects linked by the presence of the same type of symmetry. Our study passes through the discovery of their groups of hidden symmetries and the exploitation of the interplay between geometry and physics.
The purpose of this project is to put together the efforts of researchers having different perspectives on all these objects at the interface of the three domains—algebraic geometry, automorphic forms and theoretical physics—which will open new research directions and new points of view.
The SMGAP project is funded by the French National Agency for Research (ANR) and the Russia Science Foundation (RSF) under the grant number ANR-20-CE40-0026-01, for the period 2021 - 2023.